Graphic Storytellers at Work


All four chief members of the Folio team collaborated on a research project in 2020 called Graphic Storytellers at Work. This report provides a review of Australia’s contemporary comics community, and the contexts in which its artists are using and developing their skills. Commissioned by the Australia Council for the Arts, and led by comics-makers and comics researchers, it aims to identify new areas of opportunity for graphic storytellers working in Australia, and the best means of supporting these artists in their creative practices and careers. Based on a survey completed by 260 artists, and interviews with graphic storytellers and their employers, the report also analyses the graphic storyteller’s specific skillset, and the value this skillset has to a variety of non-arts industries.

Illustration by Pat Grant

Illustration by Pat Grant

See the Research here:


Illustration by Pat Grant

Illustration by Pat Grant

'Graphic Storytellers at Work: Cross-industry opportunities for cartoonists, illustrators and comics-makers' is a new report which examines hows how the skills of cartoonists, illustrators and comics-makers are being applied across a diverse range of industries such as health and education. The report provides a fascinating portrait of the professional lives of Australia’s cartoonist, illustrators and comic-makers and highlights the huge potential for the cross-industry application of their skills.

Illustration by Pat Grant

Illustration by Pat Grant

Illustration by Pat Grant

Illustration by Pat Grant